The Washington Manual Nephrology Subspecialty Consult 2/e
Written by residents, fellows, and attending physicians, this thoroughly updated handbook is ideal for residents called on to do an inpatient consult, for students working on an inpatient m dicine service, and for specialists seeking information on nephrology and general internal medicine management. The book covers inpatient and outpatient approaches, symptoms and diseases, and acute and chronic problems with the same front-lines practicality as the world-famous 'Washington Manual[registered] of Medical Therapeutics'.Sections cover general approaches to kidney disease; electrolytes and acid-base disorders; acute kidney injury and continuous renal replacement; causes of kidney disease; pregnancy and nephrolithiasis; and chronic kidney disease. Appendices list dosing adjustments for antimicrobials and antiretrovirals for patients with renal impairment. Key points about the diagnosis and management of disorders are bulleted for easy reference. This edition also includes illustrations. 'The Washington Manual'[registered] is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by LWW under license from Washington University. .
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Аннотация к книге "The Washington Manual Nephrology Subspecialty Consult 2/e" Washington Univ..:Written by residents, fellows, and attending physicians, this thoroughly updated handbook is ideal for residents called on to do an inpatient consult, for students working on an inpatient m dicine service, and for specialists seeking information on nephrology and general internal medicine management. The book covers inpatient and outpatient approaches, symptoms and diseases, and acute and chronic problems with the same front-lines practicality as the world-famous 'Washington Manual[registered] of Medical Therapeutics'.Sections cover general approaches to kidney disease; electrolytes and acid-base disorders; acute kidney injury and continuous renal replacement; causes of kidney disease; pregnancy and nephrolithiasis; and chronic kidney disease. Appendices list dosing adjustments for antimicrobials and antiretrovirals for patients with renal impairment. Key points about the diagnosis and management of disorders are bulleted for easy reference. This edition also includes illustrations. 'The Washington Manual'[registered] is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by LWW under license from Washington University. .
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